Sunday, March 11, 2012

Survey Membuktikan???

Name of course x) : TIKAH or TIKO or TIKOL or TIKTOK
Age : Dua Puluh Satu Tahun
D.O.B : like its important but oh well : 24th  May 1990
Status ,YA IM ASKIN IF UR SINGLE!!! DURR : unavailable ;D
R ya like gay or sumthen? bi... etc... : oh goshhh!! Hamba Allah kali gueeee..


flower... cuz they smell good!!! : White Lily
color : purple,white,balck
sport : lari dong..berenang, aerobic, dan ditambah dengan sedikit sentuhan bela diri..huhu
animal : hamster.. bebek..
smell : good,haha
shoe,which is a stupid question but still >.< : yang unique, comfortable, dan cantik pula lah dengan  size 36/37


got one? n if you dont then just skip this!! DUUURRR : pasti akan insya Allah semoga deh.. bismillahirrahmanirrahim ajah.. johan..jodoh di tangan tuhan.. haha..

love the person? : of course..

do u like the person for his/her personality or looks or both? : himself

do you have more than 1 bf/gf? : ngapain coba banyak2 dua orang lebih baik…hahaha..apa sih..KB kali yang dua… satu aja cukup lah kalu orang mau nikah itu..ngapain banyak2?? Satu aja gak abis2..hihihi

are you still friends with your X? : saya baik dgn semua.peace dude peace! haha

u preferrrrrr???

Perfect/okey : perfectly okay
chocolate or vanilla... in eather way XD : White chocolate mix Vanilla.. huhuhu.. yummy.. that was great, huh!!
whater or unhealthy shit? : aaa
skinny or fattassses? : yg sedeng aja lah…
rock or pop : pop rock jazz blues keroncong dangdut hiphop rnb.. I love musiccccc tauuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
dog or cat? : cat
egypt or greese? : mecca
love or flings : love
yourself... or monkeys XP stupid question : pertanyaan apaan coba kek beginiii..membingungkan..huhhh = =”

do you lick your toes? : aneh deh.. pasti suka lah..karna semua ciptaan Allah..jadi suka2 aja tuh..
do you like rain? : love it damnnnn much
Do u listen to your playlist aloot? : of courseee..
are you lazy like me? : how lazy you are?
computer nerd? : mmmm..enggak juga tuhhh..
duz your carpet match your drapes??? : gak pake karpet di rumah gue..Cuma lantai biasa ajahh..
are you a fire croch? : tidak juga la ya.. but sometimes..that was right..hahayyy..
do you like being weird?? cuz i do if u havent noticed : yes
would u fuck marilyn manson? : marilyn manson?? Sejenis makanan kaleng yah??
do you like eating fat? : veryyy veryyy muchhhhh
do you have shutup phobia? : gakkkk tuhh
do you wish at 11;11? : enggak…there is nothing special in that date..for me yahh.. I don’t know with others???

what pops up in your mind when i say this?

sex : belum kepikiran dulu lah..astagahfirullahhh…
money : cari duit yang banyakkkk biar jadinya enakkk..hehe..
monkey : lucuuuuu
add : gula untuk kopi kah??
cell : hpppp..
laugh : suka bangettttttttt..
mell : apaan tuh??
queer : blur
fag : *thinking*
pie : nyamannaaaa
penelope cruz : cantikkk bangettt
burn : terbakar
music : it was meeee
green : fresh
yellow : taiiii.. haha
candle : light dinner
ass : wowwww..
bitch : astaghfirullahuala’dzimm..
cookie : sukaaaa nyaaaaa gak nahannn cinnn
eminem : gak terlalu suka lah..
50 cent : so littleeeee…

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